Adress: Hungary, 1095 Budapest, Soroksári rd. 48-54. Phone: +36 1 793 2670 E-mail:

Soil improvement and health

Protects the soil, increases yield

BIOFIL® Soil Guard the reliable protector

BIOFIL® Soil Guard inoculant and bacterial preparation purposefully increases the number of beneficial microbes, supporting plant nutrition, health and soil structure building. It fits harmoniously into the plant-soil microbiota biological system.

Let’s protect the health of our soils and plants together!

Apply our BIOFIL® Soil Guard product for an environmentally friendly yield increase!

Advantages of using BIOFIL® Soil Guard inoculant:

  • Reliable protector that can biologically control the spread of plant pathogenic fungi.
  • Priority effect on soil and plant health!
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Can be used in combination with other BIOFIL® products.
  • For maximum efficiency BIOFIL® can be used in combination with soil pH specific products.
  • It is recommended to use it in combination with a stalk degradation product before sowing and at harvest.
  • Can be mixed with liquid and foliar fertilizers.

BIOFIL® Climate improves soil structure and water management

BIOFIL® Climate inoculant has been specifically developed by researchers to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Sudden rainfall and drought-stricken periods are having a detrimental effect on our already stressed farmland. As a result of BIOFIL® Climate, the soil structure recovers, water balance improves, soil life becomes more intensive and the nutrients are not washed out. The product is mainly recommended for sand, physically sandy loam-like soils, humus sand or degraded dusty soils.

Advantages of using BIOFIL® Climate inoculant:

  • Improves soil water retention.
  • The plant’s exposure to drought is reduced.
  • Crop safety increases.
  • Improves degraded soils, prevents dusting and deterioration of soils that have not yet been damaged.
  • In case of certain soil types (e.g. sandy soils) a fine-grained soil structure is formed.
  • Soil resistance decreases, cultivation becomes easier, less fuel consumption.
  • Simple and flexible to use, can also be used in combination with well-known and proven BIOFIL® products.
  • Environmentally friendly, can also be used in organic farming.


BIOFIL® Climate bacterial preparation can be used on sandy soils, sandy physically loam-like soils, loose or degraded dusty soils (between pH 5.0 and 8.0) to stimulate microbial life of the soil, to improve soil structure and water balance of soil and plant; in all arable and horticultural crops, depending on the soil moisture content and the application device, with a water volume of 50-400 l/ha, during soil preparation or at least at sowing, sprayed on the soil, than rotated to a depth of 5 to 10 cm.

The product has two components:

Dose of component “A3”: 1-2 l/ha (in horticultural crops 2 l/ha).

Dose of the “Extra” additive component: 1-2 l/ha (for sandy soils and horticultural crops with a humus content of less than 1.5 %, at least 2 l/ha).

The BIOFIL® “Extra” additive can be applied together with any other type of BIOFIL® product! It is advisable to carry out a miscibility test before application!
The use of the products is not recommended for strongly bound soils (clay loam, clay or saline clay)! In the case of no-till cultivation, the product can be applied to the seed furrow with a water volume of 30-40 l/ha.


  • Average number of live plate count:

           Component “A3”: 1.12 x 109 cells/ml.

  • Non-toxic to plants, animals and humans, not dangerous, not infectious.


  • Component “A3”: Kocuria sp. strains, Pseudomonas sp. strains, Azospirillum sp ..
  • “BIOFIL® Extra” additive component: plant extracts, plant sugars, water.


BIOFIL® Extra additive can be used universally for all BIOFIL® products! A special blend of plant-based carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins, as well as essential amino acids, which helps the bacterial strains in BIOFIL® products to grow faster and to a greater extent in a shorter time. At the same time, it also helps to reduce the negative effects on soil life by the action of components that are also beneficial to the soil microbiota.

Recommended dose of “Extra” additive: 1-2 l/ha (at least 2 l/ha for sandy soils and horticultural crops with a humus content of less than 1.5 %).

The product can also be applied together with fertilizers and pesticides!

The BIOFIL® “Extra” additive can be applied together with any BIOFIL® product! It is advisable to carry out a miscibility test before co-application with other products!


  • pH of the product (in 10% aqueous suspension): 7.57 ± 0.5.
  • Non-toxic to plants, animals and humans, not dangerous, not infectious.


Composition: plant extracts, plant sugars, water.

Soil Guard

BIOFIL® Soil Guard bacterial preparation is used to stimulate microbial life of various soils (pH 4.5-9) in all arable and horticultural crops, depending on soil moisture and application, with 50-400 l / ha water at the time of preparation or sprayed on the soil and then turned to a depth of 5 to 10 cm.

BIOFIL® Soil Guard can also be used at a rate of 0,4 l / ha at a concentration of up to 0.5% during the growing season, but in this case the preparation must be irrigated to the soil surface.

In the case of “no till” or direct sowing, the product can be applied to the seed furrow with 10-20 l / ha water.


    Average live germ count: 1.26 x 109 cells / ml.
    Regarding public health, it is non-toxic to plants, animals, humans, non-dangerous and non-infectious.


Bacillus sp. bacteria.

Foliar fertilizers

BIOFIL® Algae the natural yield enhancer

BIOFIL® Algae is a combined-effect microbiological preparation containing two microalgae and three soil bacteria strains. Based on tests conducted with the BIOFIL® Alga preparation, it can be concluded that the root development of the treated plant is greater, the green surface and its chlorophyll content increase, and the crop yield increases. The general stress tolerance and thus the drought tolerance also improves significantly.

Advantages of using BIOFIL® Algae foliar fertilizer:

  • Contains live algae in an exceptionally high concentration.
  • Contains well-known, plant growth-supporting bacteria with proven effect.
  • The product also contains plant hormone-like substances and phytohormones – produced by the microorganisms of the product – that support resistance, fruit formation and yield increase.
  • The vital macro-, meso- and microelements can be found in the product in an organic bond, it supplies the plant with amino acids, vitamins and bioactive substances.
  • Provides effective support to the plant in defense against certain fungal infections.
  • The strains of microalgae and bacteria are applied to the surface of the leaves and act through them, some are even able to colonise the phyllosphere. Due to the established colonisation, the preparation has a long-lasting effect, with the active substances being absorbed gradually over time on the leaf surface.
  • The preparation improves the resistance of the plant, so it also helps to increase crop yields by conditioning the plant and strengthening its stress tolerance.

TERRAHUMIN plant conditioning preparation

The preparation contains humic and fulvic acids, macro-, meso- and microelements, K-Humate, fertilisers and water. The humic and fulvic acids in the product – thanks to their natural complexing properties- can deliver nutrients and compounds directly to the plant cells, enhancing their utilisation. In general, they stimulate the physiological processes in plants, restore chemical balance, harmonise and activate plant life processes.

These ingredients also increase stress tolerance, stimulate growth and yield. Humic acids primarily promote root mass growth, thereby increasing the uptake of nutrients and water from the soil. Fulvic acids act through the plant tissues during foliar fertilisation.

The benefits of using Terrahumin:

  • It contains macro-, meso- and microelements.
  • The applied nutrient is utilised rapidly with a very high efficiency.
  • It is excellent for treatment of damaged plants (e.g. hail damage).
  • Increases the stress tolerance of plants (e.g., against frost, drought, and other damages).
  • Intensifies the plants’ resistance to pathogens.
  • It ensures a balanced nutrient management.
  • Higher yields and better crop quality is available.


The product shall be applied for the treatment of all arable crops in a dose of 1-2 l/ha,
twice per growing season, diluted in 250-300 l/ha water.

In order to protect bees and other pollinating insects, do not use during the flowering season! Do not use in the presence of flowering weeds!

Strong sunlight, windy weather and heavy rainfall should be avoided during application. Do not mix it with algaecides, bactericides and fungicides!


  • Average live germ count:
    Algae component: at least 108 cells/ml.
  • Bacteria component: at least 5 x 106 cells/ml.
  • Regarding public health, it is non-toxic to plants, animals, humans, non-dangerous and non-infectious.


microalgae component: 0,30 m/m%; microalgae strains: Chlorella vulgarisChlorella zofingiensis;

bacteria component: 0,05 m/m%; bacterial strains: Azotobacter vinelandiiAzospirillum canadenseBacillus proteolyticus; growing medium.


Use of the product is recommended with the dose of 2-4 l/ha, diluted with 200-400 l water/ha specifically in cereal crops, maize, sunflower, rapeseed and soybean but it can also be used in the following crops: apple, rice, sorghum, millet, buckwheat, canary grass, mustard, poppy, peanut, sesame seed, cotton, linseed, pumpkin seed, oilseed pumpkin, oilseed radish, sugar beet, potato, tobacco.

 A mixing test has to be carried out before application together with plant protection products and other crop enhancers. Strong sunlight, windy weather and heavy rainfall should be avoided during application.


  • Humin acid content: 3,5 m/m%
  • N content: 5 m/V%.
  • P2O5 content: 10 m/V%.
  • K2O content: 2,5 m/V%.


Soil specific inoculants

Also for extreme soils

Acidic, alkaline and saline….

Unfortunately most of the soils in our country do not have neutral pH. For a long time there was a need to create a new product family that offers a solution specifically for degraded and non-beneficial soils and planting areas. Thus we created our products, which consist of bacteria strains individually isolated, but resultant from soils of the Carpathian Basin, which unlike traditional inoculating strains can function effectively even in extreme soils.


  • Able to increase the yield in acidic, alkaline and normal soils, in saline conditions.
  • Consist of specific bacterial strains isolated from soils of the Carpathian Basin, which are typical for the soils.
  • Inoculants consist of bacteria strains adapted to inland climate and soils.
  • Strains tested by colonisation-competition methods: the strains do not block the activities of each other, in some cases they even help and support each other.


To stimulate soil life in acidic soils (pH 4-7), in amount of 1,0 l/ha, depending on the spraying tool with 50-400 l/ha water, sprayed and then rotated into the soil before seeding or planting. Shake up the product before using! Do not mix the preparation with bactericides and fungicides!


  • number of germs in general: 1,5×109 cell/ml
  • not hazardous, toxic or infectious for plants, animals or human beings
  • the preparation contain 7 bacteria strains


Bacillus simplex, Pseudomonas frederikbergensis, Agreia pratensis, Paenibacillus peoriae, Exiguobacterium acetylicum, Azospirillum largimobile, Azospirillum brasilense


To stimulate soil life in neutral soils (pH 6-8), in amount of 1,0 l/ha, depending on the spraying tool with 50-400 l/ha water, sprayed and then rotated into the soil before seeding or planting. Do not mix the preparation with bactericides and fungicides!


  • number of germs in general: 1,5×109 cell/ml

  • not hazardous, toxic or infectious for plants, animals or human beings

  • the preparation contains 7 bacteria strains


Pseudomonas jessenii, Arthrobacter crystallopoietes, Kocuria rosea, Azospirillum brasilense strains, Azospirillum largimobile


To stimulate soil life in alkaline soils (pH 7-9), in amount of 1,0 l/ha, depending on the spraying tool with 50-400 l/ha water, sprayed and then rotated into the soil before seeding or planting. Do not mix the preparation with bactericides and fungicides!


  • number of germs in general: 1,5×109 cell/ml
  • not hazardous, toxic or infectious for plants, animals human beings
  • the preparation contains 7 bacteria strains


Pseudomonas jessenii, Arthrobacter crystallopoietes, Pseudomo- nas chlororaphis, Exiguobacterium acetylicum, Azospirillum brasilense, Azospirillium largimobile, Azospirillum irakense

Culture-specific products

In our country the use of forage protein is mostly based on soya. For growing soya and peas in Hungarian soils in larger amount, the land sown for their production will expand, and these programmes will get widespread support.



  • stimulation of soil life,
  • support growth and development of Fabaceae plants,
  • due to their use the plant becomes healthier and more stress tolerant,
  • it is proven that their use produces yield excess (field trials).


The inoculating product BIOFIL Pea contains pea-symbiont bacteria strains which effectively form nodules, especially on peas, and fixation of nitrogene is very powerful in the nodules.

As an effect of treatment by our product formination of nodules becomes more intensive, thus plants become better provided with nitrogene, peas become healthier and more developed, more resistant to various diseases, yield increases remarkably, even by 20-60%.

The value and quality of crops also increases. For effective treatment use the inoculating bacterial product BIOFIL Soya combined with the soil-, and pH-specific inoculating bacterial product BIOFIL Normal, Acidic or Alkaline.

The bacteria strain in the product (Rhizobium leguminosarum) is plant-specific, and is able to inoculate peas (Pisum sativum), field beans (Vicia faba), vetch (Vicia spp.), lentils (Lens culinaris) and vetchlings (Lathyrus spp.). The strain is not effective in case of other plant cultures.


The BIOFIL® Soya DUPLO soil inoculant contains symbiont nitrogen-fixing (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) and nodulation-promoting (Ensifer sp.) bacterial strains specifically responsible for nodulation of soybeans.

The nodulation of soya plants affects the health conditions and availability of nitrogen for plants. Yield increase can even be 20-60%.

The nitrogen remaining in the soil after soybean cultivation also has a beneficial effect on the yield of the subsequent crop. BIOFIL® Soybean DUPLO soil inoculant is recommended to be used in combination with BIOFIL® Soil pH-specific soil inoculant bacteria preparations for effective treatment. BioFil® soil-specific and BioFil® Soybean DUPLO soil inoculants are also recommended to be applied if soybean seeds already inoculated with nodule-forming bacteria are used.

The Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteria strain is plant specific, it forms nodules only on the roots of soya, and is not effective in case of other Fabaceae plants.

Post Harvest

The product BIOFIL Post Harvest 

The bacterial product BIOFIL Post Harvest provides effective degradation of herbal remains, such as stem, leaf and root. So that the next plant culture gets access to valuable nutrients.

The product contains bacteria strains which live in inland soils, but usually in small amounts. Using the product we can gain fast and intensive degradation of cellulose. Bacteria which the product consists of are able to multiply even in low soil temperature. The products consist of bacteria strains which have a wide spectre of soil pH-tolerance, this is why the Post Harvest product can be used effectively in acidic, normal and alkaline soils. The BIOFIL Post Harvest contains nitrogenfixing bacteria strains of high capacity, this is why we don’t need to apply plus nitrogen for stalk degradation. The product is effective against harmful pathogeneous fungi propagating in the soil.


Post harvest

In case of stalks of average amount we recommend to use 0,5 l BIOFIL Post Harvest together with 0,5 l BIOFIL soil specific preparation by spraying them onto the stalks with 25-50 or 200-400 litres/ha of water, depending on the spraying tool. After that the product has to be incorporated into the soil. In case of larger amounts of stalks we recommend to use 1 l/ha BIOFIL Post Harvest. After sunflower and maize, if you are planning to plant the following crop the same year, add 1 l/ha BIOFIL Post Harvest to 0,5-1 l/ha BIOFIL soil pH specific product. The product is the most effective when placed onto stalks directly before thei rotation.


  • Average number of germs: 1,6×109 cell/ml.
  • Is not harmful, dangerous or infectious for plants, animals and humans.


Cellvibrio fibrivorans, Brevundimonas mediterranea, Achromobacter spanius, Azotobacter chroococcum


A növekedési lehetőségek maximalizálása

A mikorrhizák előnyös tulajdonságait a mezőgazdaságban számos kutatás igazolta. A mikorrhiza gomba szimbiotikus, kölcsönösen előnyös kapcsolatot létesít a gazdanövénnyel. Mivel a mikorrhiza gomba életképessége közvetlenül a növénytől és nem környezetétől függ, ezért mindig alkalmazkodik az adott növénykultúrához és annak igényeihez. A növény a mikorrhizát elsősorban a fotoszintézis során keletkező különböző cukrokkal látja el, a mikorrhiza pedig tápanyagokat (pl.: nitrogén, foszfor, kálium) és vizet szolgáltat a növénynek.

Resid MG mikrogranulált biológiai talajoltó készítmény a hazai piacon új és egyedülálló mikorrhiza gombafajt tartalmaz, a Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum -ot.


  • Mindig hatékony,
  • Kölcsönösen előnyös kapcsolat a növénnyel,
  • Gyökéren kívüli micélium termelés,
  • Gyökéren kívüli sporuláció,
  • Nagy koncentrációjú műtrágya adagokkal közösen is alkalmazható,
  • Fokozott növényi tápanyag- és vízfelvétel, fotoszintetikus aktivitás,
  • Javuló növény élettani aktivitás, pozitív hatás a növény hormonháztartására,
  • Talajszerkezet javulás.

Resid MG

A Resid MG mikrogranulált (1 mm átmérőjű) koncentrált talajoltó mikorrhiza gomba készítmény, amelyet kifejezetten szántóföldi kultúrák kezelésére fejlesztettek (kivéve a káposztafélék). A készítmény 10 kg/ha dózisban juttatandó ki vetéssel egy időben a magágyba, a következő kultúrákban: őszi és tavaszi gabonafélék, kukorica, rizs, cirok, fűfélék, napraforgó, szója, gyapot, lucerna, hüvelyesek.

A kijuttatás során kerüljük a különböző gombaölő és talajfertőtlenítő szerekkel történő együttes kijuttatást, illetve kérje Tanácsadója segítségét a kompatibilitással kapcsolatban!

A készítmény felhasználása az Agro-ökológiai programban +2 pontot ér!


  • Mikorrhiza spórák száma:
    legalább 16 db/g.
  • Térfogattömeg:
    1,514 g/cm3.
  • Közegészségügyi szempontból növényre, állatra, emberre nem mérgező, nem veszélyes, nem fertőző.


Glomus iranicum var. tenuihyparum var. nov. mikorrhiza gomba, polivinil alkohol, természetes agyaghordozók.

Resid HC

Resid HC mikrobiológiai magoltó készítmény koncentrált (nedvesíthető por) formulában mely magkezelésre alkalmas. A készítmény 1 kg mennyiségben alkalmazandó az egy hektárra vetendő vetőmag mennyiségen. A készítménnyel történő csávázást/vetőmag kezelést megelőzően javasolt a vetőmagot 1-2 % (w/w) vízzel benedvesíteni a tapadás elősegítése érdekében. A Resid HC felhasználását elsősorban ezen szántóföldi kultúrák termeszésénél ajánljuk: őszi és tavaszi búza, rozs, árpa, zab, tritikálé, kukorica, napraforgó, szójabab és hüvelyesek.

A készítmény meghatározott csávázó és egyéb magkezelő készítményekkel együtt is alkalmazható!

A kijuttatás/alkalmazás során kerüljük a különböző gombaölő és talajfertőtlenítő szerekkel történő együttes kijuttatást, illetve kérje Tanácsadója segítségét a kompatibilitással kapcsolatban!

A készítmény felhasználása az Agro-ökológiai programban +1 pontot ér!


  • Mikorrhiza spórák száma:
    legalább 30 db/g.
  • Közegészségügyi szempontból növényre, állatra, emberre nem mérgező, nem veszélyes, nem fertőző.


Glomus iranicum var. tenuihyparum var. nov. mikorrhiza gomba, természetes agyaghordozók.